Drawing with a Pencil and an iPad
Hi, I’m Chommang.
Today, I drew with a pencil and an iPad.
I drew it in croquis style with a pencil.
And with the iPad, I drew with a neat line.
I would be happy if my video made you feel like drawing. 😊
Bye, then.
Tombow 2B Pencil
iPad pro
How to draw and share together.
(The way you see the image that I refer to in Pinterest.)
1- Join the Pinterest.
2- Search (chommang) or (https://www.pinterest.com/chommang_drawing) in Pinterest.
3- Find a board named (Drawing Practice_Chommang) board.
4- Press the follow button.
5- Draw together.(You can see the reference)
6- Let’s share. (You can upload your drawing.)