Welcome Creator, a pleasure to greet you. SUBSCRIBE now to the Channel HERE ➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYuECfraZq3g-MTM6hvF5Bg?sub_confirmation=1 Course of

🔴”Fundamentals of Drawing and Perspective” – Tutorial detailing: How to draw landscape step by step easy

In this tutorial we will continue with the development of the “COURSE of” Fundamentals of Drawing and Perspective “, aimed at beginners and the general public. This tutorial aims to: learn the basic method and forms for the realization of “perspective drawing”. Likewise, I will provide you with many personal recommendations of my practice as a creator that will help you develop all the potential that you have and achieve your own artistic and creative expression. You have a LOT of videos available to learn and practice on this Channel, just as I will upload new tutorials every week to teach you the methods, essential and simple tricks you need to know and apply in your drawing and creating practice.

Remember that drawing is not only for what you have talent, I assure you that drawing correctly is more having knowledge with a little practice, the skill will be given by exercise and experience. Activate the channel notification bell to inform you of the upload of new videos, visit the “Playlist or Playlists” OF THIS CHANNEL where I will be ordering the drawings of the tutorials and courses and it will be useful and easy to access the contents .

➤MATERIALS USED IN THIS COURSE: I recommend these materials to draw at this stage of the COURSE A3 sketchbook: by default you can work with letter-size sheets or any white sheet (that nothing limits you to draw). • Set of Pencils (14 pencils with different grades) by default you can purchase Pencil grade H, F, 5B and 8B (enough to give a good expression especially those of grade B which is what you will use the most, I generally used 4B and 5B. • Portable or electric pencil sharpener, any of these to sharpen the tip of the pencil. •Eraser. • 50cm transparent ruler or a similar one you have.

I invite you to SUBSCRIBE to my “Welcome CREATORS” channel to receive more tutorials, share with you more tricks and my experience, I leave you the link to SUBSCRIBE HERE ➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYuECfraZq3g-MTM6hvF5Bg?sub_confirmation= one

********************** Videos you may like ********************** “Fundamentals of Drawing and Perspective” ➤ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrrcIv04vm23xeHF33qbIqcMbZ52FptjM “Draw with pencil” ➤ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrrcIv04vm20_XXtI_slAK1FreTZvCxR2

********************** Welcome CREATORS ********************** It is a channel to learn how to draw and CREATE in an easy way guided by an architect and professor Juan Manuel Vera. Remember, practice, be patient and enjoy the process of drawing and creating. Sincerely, Juan Manuel:)

CHANNEL LABELS: #bcfamoussites