Masha and The Bear – Song of Jams (Jam Day)
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Masha and The Bear – Song of Jams (Jam Day)

Song of Jams
Music by Vasily Bogatyrev
Lyrics by Gala Minasova


Got to get “the pandemonium,”
And that means all pans and pots.
Clear the way! I need to make room
To make jam and to make lots.

What was on the garden patches,
What grew on the tree I got,
Made from it some mix-and-matches,
Put it all in one big pot.

I’ll add carrots for some nice zest
To the Portobello jams.
But the juiciest and sweetest
Will be pinecones and the yams!

I peek in, and as I’m looking
At the weird brew, I yell,
“Now I know what’s really cooking!
I am in a jam, as well!

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