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Masha tells her version of the fairy tale about the poor girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother who forced her to work till dawn. One day the stepmother asked Cinderella to crack three bags of nuts. The poor girl would never have managed to complete this task, if only the fairy had appeared in front of her. By magic, the fairy emerged and conjured her the Nutcracker, who helped Cinderella to crack all the nuts very fast. The Cinderella was so happy that she took the Nutcracker with her to the ball, which took place in the royal palace. The Nutcracker helped the King to save the palace from rats and Cinderella was so thankful that she kissed him in his cheek. In this very moment the Nutcracker turned into a handsome prince! The moral of the story is that we should not judge the others by their appearance.

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It turns out that Masha likes fairy tales a lot!
Masha’s Tales is an extraordinary series, where she tells popular fairy tales in a childlike manner, mixing up both storylines and characters, but always coming up with original advice.