Each of you wants to be beautiful, perfect, and best in all aspects.

You have to nurture yourself every day: favorite work, meditation, proper nutrition and exercise.

All this is one of the main ways of improvement, which will help you find harmony.

As for exercising, we want to say that when you are satisfied with your appearance, you will begin to love yourself even more and gain harmony.

Moreover, perhaps it’s not a secret for you that physical activity has a huge number of health benefits. Thus, by improving your body, you also improve your health.

Today we would like to present you with a wonderful workout that will help you build muscle and burn fat.

It sounds strange, does not it?

But believe us, this is real, you can lose body fat and gain muscles simultaneously.

By doing this workout, your excess fat will act as fuel for muscle growth.

Everything is very simple, fast and efficient! Well, ladies, our workout includes 8 fat burning exercises that are easy to do and do need additional equipment.

You can perform them both in the gym and at home at any time convenient for you.

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The most important thing is to perform our workout 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes, and then the ideal body is guaranteed to you.

1. Burpee

2. Lunges

3. Squat Jack

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4. Donkey Kick

5. Bridge

6. Push Up

7. Side Hip Lift

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8. Spiderman Plank

Source: BetterMe