Sculpted arms look attractive. Yet we often put in no effort to tone them.

Our reason: being busy as a bee and a lack of equipment.

Here are 8 exercises that take just 5 minutes, with one minute of rest included, and don’t require any equipment either.

So no more excuses. Let’s get started.

1. Arm Circles

Starting position: Stand upright and stretch your arms out to the side.

The arms should be straight and parallel to the floor.


Slowly rotate your arms in circles keeping them stretched by your side and straight.

Rotate them in any direction of your choice.


For how long: Keep rotating for 30 seconds.

2. Flying Arms

Starting position: Stand upright with your arms stretched out on the side.


Don’t move your arms. Just imagine that you are gliding through the air with your wings stretched.

For how long: Hold this position for 30 seconds.

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3. Tricep Dips

Starting position: Sit with your back upright and legs together and stretched straight in front of you.

Keeping your back straight might be difficult, but don’t worry, this is just a temporary starting position.


Put your hands behind your back and slightly tilt your spine backward so you’re resting on your arms. Your ankles should be bent a little in this position. Also, bend your knees slightly so they are off the ground.

Now lift your butt up by straightening your arms and then lower down with your arms so that the butt barely touches the floor.


For how long: Keep lifting and lowering for 30 seconds.

4. Pushups

Starting position: Lie on the floor with your chest on the ground and the back facing up. This position is known as the prone position or the front leaning rest position.

Bring your palms to the ground on the side of your chest.


Raise your body up by pushing with your palms.

Rise up until your arms are almost straight (do not fully straighten them). At this point you should be in a plank position, your body should be in a straight line from your head to your ankles.

Come back to the starting position.


For how long: Keep moving up and down for 30 seconds.

1 Minute Rest

Yup ladies! That’s important too.

5. Pushers

Starting position: Stand upright with your hands stretched on your side.

Bend your hands at the elbow so that the palms come close to the chest.


Imagine 2 heavy objects kept close to each other right in front of you, at about your belly height. Now try to move them apart sideways so that they move away from each other.

Imagine that both of the heavy objects keep returning to their original position and keep pushing them away sideways again.

For how long: Repeat this for 30 seconds.

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6. Single Chest Press Pulse

Starting position: Place your palms together like you’re praying.

Bring your elbows together so that they touch each other too. Lift your elbows up so that they are at chest level.


Move your arms up and down.


For how long: 30 seconds.

7. Scissors

Starting position: Stand upright with your legs apart and spread your arms out to the side, keeping them straight.


Keeping the arms straight bring them in front of your body and keep going so that they cross each other, forming a scissor-like shape.

Return to the starting position.


For how long: Keep doing this for 30 seconds.

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8. Superman

Starting position: Position yourself in the prone position and stretch both your arms out in front of you.


Raise your arms and your feet up. Also, raise your head along with your arms so that the head at the same level with the arms.

Hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting position.


For how long: Do this for 30 seconds.

Do this for just 5 minutes a day and you will have taut arms in no time. Share this article with your friends and family if you liked it.

Source: Brightside